Quartz, var. Smoky Quartz, Sceptre
Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 10.07.2024 | Filed under:

Quartz, var. Smoky Quartz, Sceptre

Specimen # 103176
Mineral: Quartz, var. Smoky Quartz
Location: Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Size: 10.3 x 8.0 x 7.5 cm


This is a large, complex, multi-tiered smoky quartz sceptre head on a white quartz stem. The smoky quartz exhibits parallel-growth features, with sharp, lustrous faces, along with some smaller interspersed textured areas that are less lustrous (and highly patterned under magnification). This specimen is in excellent condition – there’s no damage, which is simply remarkable for a specimen this size (from this area in Brazil, almost all such quartz is damaged because of the method of recovery). From the Tracy Kimmel collection, she acquired it from the John White quartz collection. A superb and impressive display specimen!

About Tracy Kimmel (click here)

Please Note: the colour representation in the still photographs has been carefully calibrated and adjusted to show an accurate rendition of this specimen in daylight (shade). The colours in the video are not similarly adjusted.