
I’ve posted great new specimens in this Brazil Update, including beautiful ludlamite, aquamarine, tourmaline, fluorapatite and more.

I’ve posted excellent new specimens in this Indonesia Update, including beautiful top calibre “grape amethyst” and chalcedony.

I’ve posted excellent new specimens in this Europe Update with many classics, including superb Alpine smoky quartz, pyromorphite from several localities, fluorite, hematite, specimens from the German silver mines and more.

From a recent visit, I’ve posted some of my favourite specimens from the fabulous Mineralogy Museum at L’École des Mines de Paris.

Tinkie was Executive Supervisor at McDougall Minerals. She was also our family Golden Retriever and her story is happy – she adored life in the woods and enjoyed every day up here. She and Rudy were great companions, leading to lots of good laughs around here.

I’ve added beautiful specimens of stilbite and analcime from Five Islands, Nova Scotia, Canada.

I’ve added super new quartz specimens from McKay Head, Nova Scotia, Canada.

I’ve posted beautiful new chabazites from Wasson’s Bluff, Nova Scotia, Canada.

I’ve added new mesolite on laumontite from Stronach Brook, Nova Scotia, Canada.

I’ve posted great new specimens in this Arizona Update. Beautiful specimens of hemimorphite, smithsonite and aurichalcite from the famous 79 Mine, along with Rowley Mine wulfenite, Planet Mine chrysocolla, Bisbee and more.

I’ve posted beautiful crystallized copper from Australia in this latest Australian Copper Update. These are branching aggregates of crystals from the Rocklands Mine near Cloncurry, Queensland.

I’ve added great new specimens to the website in this Mexico Update. The update includes several mineral species for which Mexico is famous, including adamite, austinite, wulfenite, danburite and datolite.