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Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 05.02.2016 | Filed under: Latest, Recent Mineral Updates

I’ve added some beautiful, gemmy, twinned calcite crystals in this Elmwood Calcite Update. Over the years, the miners referred to the large orange Elmwood calcite crystals as “footballs”, and they referred to the clear gemmy calcites in this update as “jewels”. These are from a pocket found in late 2014 – most specimens were damaged and these are exceptional.

Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 03.28.2016 | Filed under: Latest, Recent Mineral Updates

I’ve added a new Austria Update, featuring superb strontianite crystals from Oberdorf an der Laming, Styria, Austria, from the collection of Franz Lammer. These are exceptional strontianites!

Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 02.28.2016 | Filed under: Latest, Recent Mineral Updates

I’ve added some vibrant chrysocolla pseudomorphs in the new Chrysocolla Update. These specimens have been definitively identified as chrysocolla, on malachite pseudomorphs after azurite. I suspect that they may be a chrysocolla pseudomorphs after malachite on chrysocolla pseudomorphs (partial and complete) after malachite pseudomorphs after azurite. In any event, they are colourful cabinet specimens of chrysocolla!

Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 02.28.2016 | Filed under: Latest, Recent Mineral Updates

I’ve posted a small number of super new specimens in this Milpillas Brochantite Update. These good-sized brochantite crystals are sharp, lustrous and unusually robust for the species, which is often seen in very thin needle-like or hair-like crystals.

Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 02.22.2016 | Filed under: Latest, Recent Mineral Updates

I’ve added a new Morocco Fluorite Update with super yellow fluorite crystals from a small recent find at the El Hammam Mine. These are great yellow fluorite specimens!

Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 01.17.2016 | Filed under: Latest, Recent Mineral Updates

I’ve posted great new crystals of xenotime-(Y) from Novo Horizonte, Bahia, Brazil. These crystals are dark brown, sharp and lustrous – they are are superb for this species.

Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 01.13.2016 | Filed under: Latest, Recent Mineral Updates

I’ve added a group of diverse minerals in this Peru Update. I have selected these out over various trips – each is a beautiful specimen for the mineral! This update includes a gorgeous rhodonite from Chiurucu, a brilliant alabandite, a super specimen of bournonite cogwheel twins on matrix, a specimen of scheelite coated with bright green stolzite, fluorescent fluorapatites and more.

Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 12.13.2015 | Filed under: Latest, Recent Mineral Updates

I’ve added a new Howlite Update with beautiful sharp crystals of howlite. Howlite is not a rare mineral. However, display-quality crystals of howlite are rare. To date, there is only one known locality, on the shoreline of Bras D’Or Lake, near Iona, Victoria Co., Cape Breton Island. This update includes some gorgeous specimens.

Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 11.29.2015 | Filed under: Latest, Recent Mineral Updates

I’ve added a new Nova Scotia Update, with minerals from the Bay of Fundy. This update accompanies the new post about Mineral Collecting in Nova Scotia’s Bay of Fundy, with specimens from the classic Bay of Fundy localities highlighted in that article: Wasson’s Bluff, Amethyst Cove and Cape D’Or.