
I’ve posted great new specimens in this Brazil Update, including beautiful ludlamite, aquamarine, tourmaline, fluorapatite and more.

I have added excellent new specimens in this Brazil Update, including brazilianite, fluorapatite, elbaite, aquamarine, hematite, rutile, spessartine and beautiful fuchsite crystals, along with quartz and calcite.

I’ve added beautiful new specimens from the Pete Richards collection. These are great tourmaline crystals from localities around the world, including Brazil, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Namibia and Myanmar.

I’ve posted some beautiful specimens in the new Brazil Update. These include gorgeous spessartine crystals (one from a rare locality), dravite crystals, blue topaz, rutile and hematite roses, among others.

I’ve posted some excellent new specimens from the Conselheiro Pena area in this Brazil Update – a small number of spessartines from the famous 2003 pocket at the Navegadora Mine, and some fine crystals of wodginite from the recent find at the Itatiaia Mine.

I’ve posted the first of the new Tucson specimens in this Wodginite Update. These are sharp, lustrous wodginite crystals from a small recent find in the Linopolis district, near Divino das Larajeiras, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

This Brazil Update features a few selected excellent pieces from Brazil, from the unusual to the amazing. The update includes two remarkable brazilianite specimens from the closed Telirio Mine, a classic Medina aquamarine, a fantastic rutilated quartz from Novo Horizonte, tourmalines, Sapo fluorapatites, a super Brumado dolomite, blue quartz, and a Novo Horizonte hematite that is a black mirror.