If you could choose anything in the world, imagine for a moment what would you want out of your ideal hobby, pursuit or passion – what would it give you? What if mineral collecting could give you all of these things? If you’ve never thought much about mineral collecting before you may be thinking I’m crazy… but read more and see if you still think so…
Building a great collection of fine minerals involves a few generally recognized fundamentals, and yet every perspective on this is a little different, with emphasis and focus varying from one to the next. So this is my perspective and I also include a list of great articles at the end of this post…
Ok, like anything new, mineral collecting can seem daunting, but there are thousands and thousands of collectors out here and we all started somewhere. So if you are interested, don’t be shy about it! If you find that you have a love for minerals, you will absolutely not be a beginner for long. There are seven easy steps you can take to start on your way…