
Every March, Toronto hosts PDAC, the huge mining industry convention. This year, my former partners at Stikeman Elliott invited me to set up mineral displays for their annual dinner during PDAC. It was not only great to be back and seeing everyone, but fun to spend a night with great minerals under the lights.

New from South Africa, excellent specimens of inesite from a small recent find, a fantastic ettringite/hematite specimen, and gorgeous green fluorites from Riemvasmaak.

This Mexico Update includes great new specimens from a few localities. There are some super ones from the Milpillas Mine, with brochantite from the recent find, along with beautiful deep blue azurites and an eye-catching malachite pseudomorph after azurite. Also in this update are some sharp glassy datolites from Charcas, a gemmy danburite also from Charcas and a pretty smithsonite.

Recently, excellent specimens of anhydrite and probertite were found in a pocket at the Kohnstein Quarry, Niedersachswerfen, Nordhausen, Harz, Thuringia, Germany. I have added a small number of great ones in the new Anhydrite/Probertite Update.

When I think of Tucson, it’s sunny with blue skies, and the temperature is pleasantly warm. I’ve never seen Tucson like it was for the start of Tucson 2015. Of course the deluge did not stop the show and there were excellent minerals as always, including from several great new finds.

This update features a small number of excellent specimens from the famous mines of Dal’negorsk, Russia, including beautiful fluorite, calcite, axinite – (Mn), ilvaite, quartz and twinned galena.

This Morocco Update includes excellent specimens of several minerals, including blue barite from the Sidi Lahcen Mine, fluorapatite from Imilchil, fluorite from Sidi Ayed and Tounfit, cobaltoan dolomite from the Agoudal Mine, and more.

This update features Canadian titanite crystals. One of the most highly-prized minerals from central Canada, truly excellent quality specimens are elusive, both locally and on the international market. These ones are remarkable for their quality and sharpness.

Great new pieces are on the website in the latest Nova Scotia Update. Most of these are from the collection of well-known Nova Scotia collector Terry Collett. They are top quality specimens! There are super specimens from thumbnail to cabinet, including gmelinite, chabazite, natrolite and golden stilbite. The crystallization and condition of these pieces is superb.

This South-Africa – Kenya Update includes a small number of excellent specimens. From South Africa, there are beautiful complex hematite crystals from the N’Chwaning II Mine. And from Kenya, there is a small group of the superb epidotes from Pakot, North Eastern Province, from the 2002 find.

Many Bancroft Area minerals are classics. Although fine specimens from the Bancroft Area are uncommon on the international market, they can still be field collected. Bancroft mineral collecting continues each year and it is beautiful in the fall. I thought you might like some glimpses of our fall, scenes, wildlife and recent mineral collecting in the Bancroft Area.

This China Update features a diverse group of excellent specimens, including super fluorite, ilvaite and löllingite from the Huanggang Mines in Inner Mongolia. Also included are beautiful pieces from the Yaoganxian Mine and other well-known Chinese localities. There are connoisseur level pieces here.