
I’ve posted the third in a series of updates with excellent quartz specimens from John White’s collection.

I’ve posted the second in a series of updates with superb specimens from John White’s collection.

I’ve posted the first in a series of updates with superb specimens from John White’s collection. These wonderful high-quality specimens from John’s collection are from a wide range of localities (classic to contemporary) and include a variety of minerals.

John White is is the former Curator-in-Charge of the U.S. National Mineral and Gem Collection, Smithsonian Institution, founder of the Mineralogical Record, author of two books and over 200 articles and hundreds of reviews and column contributions on mineral subjects and consulting editor of Rocks & Minerals magazine and the Russian journal Mineralogical Almanac. He is also a collector and a good friend.

The Rochester Mineralogical Symposium is one of the best mineral events of the year. Here’s my report from RMS 2019, with lots of great mineral photos.

I’ve posted Indian specimens from the personal collection of Rock Currier in this new update. Great specimens with great histories.

I’ve added super new specimens in this latest US Update, including a great Vesper Peak grossular, a top quality rutile from Graves Mountain, a Bisbee malachite after azurite, new lightly-amethystine quartz from North Carolina, and Colorado amazonites with excellent colour.

I’ve posted great new fluorites in this Madagascar Fluorite Update. Discovered in 2017, this Madagascar green fluorite is from Mandrosonoro, Ambatofinandrahana, Amoron’i Mania.

I’ve posted great new amethyst specimens in this Indonesia Update. Known as “grape amethyst”, these pieces feature beautiful groups of amethyst balls.

The report from Tucson 2019, with great new specimens. Also a few views of the winter wonderland to which I returned back home…

I’ve added some super new specimens in this Elmwood Update. This update features beautiful high-quality twinned calcite crystals, and also a great fluorite.

I’ve posted some excellent new specimens in this Tinejdad Red Quartz Update. The quartz crystals from the Tinejdad area in Er Rachidia Province, Morocco, contain red colouring, red zones, or distinct red phantoms, due to included iron.