
I’ve posted some great new specimens in this Peru Update. These include hubnerite, alabandite, clinoatacamite, quartz/chrysocolla, chalcopyrite, spinel-twinned galena, proustite and top quality pyrite. Some of these were collected recently and some go back a few years.

Super new selenites – sharp, lustrous, transparent, textbook crystals, like crystal models. These crystals are fluorescent with vivid hourglass patterns, and they are also phosphorescent.

As you may have seen in my Tucson blog post, a recent find at Orange River, South Africa has produced some beautiful quartz crystals with exquisite sharp red phantoms. I’ve posted them in this Red Phantom Quartz Update.

I’ve posted some great new pieces in this Brazil Update. These include gorgeous stars of rutile on hematite from Novo Horizonte, older specimens of cyclically-twinned rutile from Diamantina, and beautiful muscovite crystals from Mantena, Minas Gerais.

I’ve posted the first of the new Tucson specimens in this Wodginite Update. These are sharp, lustrous wodginite crystals from a small recent find in the Linopolis district, near Divino das Larajeiras, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

The Tucson Gem and Mineral show was great this year! This report includes photos of mineral specimens from many new finds.

I’ve added some excellent specimens in this Russia Update. In particular, there are some super, transparent, colourless fluorites from Dal’negorsk, with crystals exhibiting up to five crystal forms. Among these area couple of great overgrowth and phantom pieces. This update also includes some great calcite specimens, with some fascinating crystal forms, and some fine datolite specimens with sharp crystals.

I’ve posted some beautiful new specimens in this Morocco Update, includingazurite from Kerrochen and Bou Beker, vanadinite from Taouz, pyrite-coated fluorite from El Hammam, purple fluorite from Tounfit, twinned cerussite from Mibladen and quartz on siderite from Gourrama.

I’ve added some excellent gmelinite specimens from Two Islands and Five Islands, Nova Scotia, in the new Nova Scotia Update. This update includes nice analcime and stilbite specimens as well.

This new post is Nova Scotia’s Bay of Fundy Part 2: The Islands. Superb specimens of many minerals have been found at Two Islands and Five Islands, including world class gmelinite crystals, and great specimens of natrolite, analcime and stilbite. This post offers a glimpse into these classic Canadian localities.

I’ve posted a very small group of excellent specimens from the 2002 find in the new China Kermesite Update. These kermesite specimens are from the find of the best kermesite crystals known to date. Unfortunately no specimens have been collected since the 2002 find, so it seems to have been a one-time find.

I’ve posted a small number of great new specimens in this new Afghanistan Update. This update includes brilliant lustrous andradite crystals from the Spin Ghar range, and red zircon from the Dara-i-Pech District.