
You are in our website's museum, a reference resource and gallery of mineral specimen photographs. These specimens are in collections and are not available, but to see minerals for sale, click "Browse Catalogue" above.

Search the Museum


Welcome to our mineral museum, a reference resource and gallery of mineral specimen photographs. These specimens are all in collections and are not available for sale, but to see minerals for sale on the website, click "Browse Catalogue" above.

I hope that you will find the museum interesting and also useful! I do my best to provide accurate locality information and descriptions when listing specimens on the website and hope that this small contribution to documenting the mineralogical record will serve as a helpful online reference.

Entering and Searching the Museum

The mineral museum can be searched by mineral, by locality, by combination of mineral and locality, or by the McDougall Minerals catalogue number (all specimens acquired from us have this number in the upper right-hand corner of the label that accompanies the specimen).

The locality search can be broad or narrow. For example, if you would like to browse all specimens from Canada, simply entering “Canada” will do this. If you would like to see only specimens from a specific locality in Canada, for example, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada, entering that name, or a unique part of it (such as “Hilaire”), will generate this result.

A search for “calcite” will bring up all calcite specimens, a search for “calcite” in the Mineral window and “China” in the Locality window will show all calcite specimens from China.

You are in our website’s museum, a reference resource and gallery of mineral specimen photographs. These specimens are in collections and are not available, but to see minerals for sale, click “Browse Catalogue” above.