Adularia, Prehnite, Byssolite
Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 12.01.2022 | Filed under:

Adularia, Prehnite, Byssolite

Specimen # 201184
Mineral: Adularia, Prehnite, Byssolite
Location: Keystone Trap Rock Quarry, Cornog, Wallace Twp., Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA
Size: 4.0 x 3.6 x 3.3 cm


A great miniature with twinned K-feldspar crystals (adularia variety), delicate green amphibole crystals (byssolite variety) and small sharp elongated prismatic crystals of prehnite. Very nice crystals of all of these minerals! With magnification, one can see that some of the prehnite crystals are speared by/perched upon byssolite needles – extremely cool. There are tiny pyrite crystals in association as well. The alpine pocket that produced these specimens was found in the 1960s, just as the quarry closed operations (it is now flooded, overgrown and off-limits to collecting). From the John S. White Pennsylvania Collection – prior to that, it was in the collections of Skip Colflesh and originally R.W. Strohmeier.