Posted by: macadmin on 04.16.2020 | Filed under:


Specimen # 100969
Mineral: Alabandite
Location: Uchucchacua Mine, Oyon Province, Lima Dept., Peru
Size: 8.6 x 5.7 x 3.0 cm


This specimen, collected from the find several years ago at Uchucchacua, is covered with sharp alabandite crystals up to 1 cm. What is special about these alabandite crystals is their quality – they have brilliant lustre, as bright as this uncommon mineral gets. The alabandite crystals are twinned (spinel law), and there are small lustrous sphalerite crystals in association. Although many specimens from this find exhibit large areas of contact and/or damage (the veins and cavities were tight, with little room for open crystal development), this specimen is remarkably free of these issues. in excellent condition, there are incomplete crystals at the edge of the specimen where it was attached to the surrounding rock, and there is minor chipping in spots (mostly peripheral), with a patch of incomplete sphalerite. Stands perfectly for display as photographed – a great cabinet specimen of alabandite.

Additional information

Dimensions 86 × 57 × 30 cm