Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:


Specimen # 200130
Mineral: Andalusite
Location: Andalusite, Chiavenna, Sondrio Province, Lombardy, Italy
Size: 10.6 x 7.6 x 5.8 cm


This is an amazing specimen – it features a well-terminated idiomorphic crystal of andalusite on matrix from a classic Italian locality. The main andalusite crystal at the top is 4 cm tall. Although andalusite is a common mineral, good crystals are relatively rare. Within the Bregaglia Valley near Chiavenna, good crystals have not been common but have been found intermittently over the past 50 years. Considering that this crystal was encased in solid quartz, it’s in remarkable shape – in excellent condition, with a small irregularity at the back corner (under magnification this seems mostly attributable to irregular growth, with minor chipping). Great andalusite!