Barite, Calcite
Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 01.24.2021 | Filed under:

Barite, Calcite

Specimen # 200277
Mineral: Barite
Location: Whale Cove, Walton, Hants Co., Nova Scotia, Canada
Size: 4.2 x 4.0 x 2.7 cm


Crystals of barite together with calcite from Whale Cove, Nova Scotia. The barite crystals are sharp and well formed with good lustre (brilliant lustre on the prism faces). The barite crystals are zoned, as you can see in the second photo – very cool. The calcite crystals are complex and unusual – they are little towers of composite parallel-growth scalenohedral crystals, with naturally hollowed-out terminations. In excellent condition, no damage (incomplete crystals at the periphery where it was attached to adjoining rock).  The second and third photos are views looking from the back side of the specimen – that’s where the zoning in the barite crystals is visible. From the Steve Szilard collection (and formerly in the Bill Plavac collection), this piece has great proportions, and looks good supported to stand as in the first photograph.

About Steve Szilard (click here)