Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 11.23.2022 | Filed under:


Specimen # 201170
Mineral: Celestine
Location: Meckley's Quarry, Mandata, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, USA
Size: 6.5 x 4.7 x 3.7 cm


This is a fantastic celestine crystal from the famous Pennsylvania locality, Meckley’s Quarry.  It is doubly-terminated, sitting well up off the matrix, and is a textbook orthorhombic prism. It has good blue colour, in particular in a central zoned band down the middle of the crystal. The sharp crystal  measures 2.8 cm, and has glassy lustre, except for two complex etched zones on the prism faces. In excellent condition, with two small nicks – in each case, there is a bit of white under the mostly undisturbed surface of the crystal and one needs magnification to see the actual nicks. This is a superb celestine from the John S. White Pennsylvania Collection.