Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:


Specimen # 101138
Mineral: Chabazite
Location: Wasson's Bluff, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia, Canada
Size: 3.0 x 2.4 x 1.6 cm


A group of sharp, twinned chabazite crystals up to 2.5 cm, this specimen has good orange colour with some lighter yellowish zoning. In excellent condition – one chipped tip on a smaller crystal and some points of attachment around the base. Some small heaulandite and calcite crystals in association. This is a gorgeous thumbnail-sized chabazite specimen.

About the Minerals of the Bay of Fundy, including Wasson’s Bluff photos (click here)


Additional information

Dimensions 30 × 24 × 16 cm