Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:


Specimen # 100656
Mineral: Chabazite
Location: Wasson's Bluff, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia, Canada
Size: 5.0 x 2.9 x 1.5 cm


This piece hosts excellent sharp lustrous chabazite crystals to 1.1 cm. Twinning is evident. This specimen is a super colour for chabazite – a deep reddish-orangey brown, with small honey yellow zones. In excellent condition – no damage, just incomplete crystals at the periphery where it was removed from the rock. From the collection of well-known Nova Scotia collector Terry Collett, catalogued as SSS121. A colourful miniature.

Additional information

Dimensions 50 × 29 × 15 cm