This is an impressive specimen with sharp, lustrous chabazite crystals perched on stilbite. These are quite something for the species, blocky pseudo-rhombohedral prisms up to 3.3 cm on edge. Unlike chabazite from most worldwide trap rock localities, the chabazite in this pocket had significant room for crystal growth, and as a result the chabazite crystals are not lining a cavity wall – they are three-dimensional, fully-developed on multiple sides. The chabazite is a cream, off-white hue and is translucent with small transparent areas. There are minor laumontite crystals in association. The “front” chabazite (as in the first photo) is a penetration twin. In excellent condition. The “back” large chabazite is incomplete at its back side. Displayed to the back (as in the first photo) this is not obvious.
Chabazite is relatively rare from the Deccan Traps in India. It has been found at several localities, but is often not remarkable. This small road cut find was amazing.
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