Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:


Specimen # 102164
Mineral: Clinozoisite
Location: Clinozoisite, Cerro San Cristobal, San Vincente de Cañete, Cañete Province, Lima Dept., Peru
Size: 4.7 x 3.6 x 2.6 cm


Detailed Description

A great piece featuring a cluster of diverging clinozoisite crystals. The crystals are sharp with good lustre, and most of the prominent ones are twinned. In excellent condition, no damage, incomplete crystals at the periperhy where this was attached. This is a sweet clinozoisite specimen!

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About These Clinozoisite Specimens

These clinozoisite specimens were found in 2017. I understand that the workings where they were found are only operational on a sporadic basis. The specific zone from which these specimens were recovered is apparently now done, and they have encountered a bit of epidote as the work has advanced beyond the clinozoisite zone. Excellent display specimens of clinozoisite are generally uncommon – one thinks of the famous finds at Alchuri in the Shigar Valley in Pakistan, and few other localities come to mind. These clinozoisite specimens are different – they are all clustered groups of crystals.

Additional information

Dimensions 26 × 47 × 36 cm