Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:


Specimen # 200216
Mineral: Dioptase
Location: Altyn-Tyube Deposit, Kirghiz Steppes, Karagandy Province, Kazakhstan
Size: 2.7 x 2.5 x 1.3 cm


Detailed Description

A beautiful thumbnail-sized dioptase from Altyn-Tyube, the type locality for the species. The dioptase crystals are sharp, lustrous and intense green. The largest crystal, 2 cm long, is huge for Altyn-Tyube. This is an older specimen, acquired by Steve through his family in Hungary after the USSR was dissolved. In excellent condition, if you look for them, you can find two tiny surface chips on one larger crystal and one small crystal is chipped. Stands perfectly for display as photographed – this is a fantastic dioptase.

About Steve Szilard (click here)