Posted by: Maia Sinkins on 01.11.2021 | Filed under:


Specimen # 100231
Mineral: Dioptase
Location: Altyn-Tyube Deposit, Kirghiz Steppes, Karagandy Province, Kazakhstan
Size: 12.0 x 5.5 x 5.0 cm


This aesthetics of this one are great! There is a series of calcite-lined openings containing the dioptase crystals, and the overall effect is as if this is a cascading river of sparkling green crystals. The dioptase crystals are sharp with brilliant glassy lustre, and they have excellent translucency and internal glow under the lights. The largest crystal is 5 mm. Contemporary specimens of Altyn-Tyube dioptase often have contacts or damage at the edges of the vugs or seams containing the dioptase – this specimen has almost none of this – it is in superb condition.

Altyn-Tyube is the type locality for dioptase, and crystals have come from the locality for a long time. However, this specimen is very recent – it was mined in 2013 and is my favourite of all the 2013 specimens I saw. A photograph of it was featured in Jolyon Ralph’s Mindat News Tucson 2014 article dated February 3, 2014.  This is a wonderful cabinet specimen.

Additional information

Dimensions 48 × 27 × 20 cm