Dolomite, var. Cobaltoan Dolomite
Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:

Dolomite, var. Cobaltoan Dolomite

Specimen # 100823
Mineral: Dolomite, var. Cobaltoan Dolomite
Location: Dolomite, var. Cobaltoan Dolomite, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Size: 7.8 x 7.3 x 4.6 cm


A good-sized cabinet specimen featuring brilliantly lustrous pink crystals of cobaltoan dolomite. With magnification, one can see modification faces on these crsytals and colour zoning inside them. The outer zones of these cobaltoan dolomite crystals have good transparency, allowing visibility of the interior areas which are not as intense a pink, and this gives the specimen its overall colour. A small splash of green malachite offsets the pink, and with magnification some minor heterogenite is visible. In excellent condition, a couple of missing crystals and some incomplete ones around the periphery. Stands perfectly for display as photographed. An aesthetic, colourful cabinet specimen.

Browse more cobaltoan dolomites and other minerals from the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Additional information

Dimensions 78 × 73 × 46 cm