Elbaite Tourmaline, Albite
Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:

Elbaite Tourmaline, Albite

Specimen # 102085
Mineral: Elbaite Tourmaline, Albite
Location: Elbaite Tourmaline, Albite, Stak Nala, Gilgit-Skardu Road, Northern Areas, Pakistan
Size: 3.9 x 2.4 x 2.1 cm


A beautiful parallel pair of elbaite crystals with crystals of albite. This piece is aesthetic all the way around – hard to pick a favourite veiwing angle. The tourmaline crystals are dark olive green, opaque for much of their length, and a strong backlight reveals translucent olive nearer the termination, with a lighter blue zone right near the tip. The elbaite prism faces are lustrous with prominent striations, and the terminations are matte. In excellent condition, no damage. Stands perfectly for display as photographed. A very classy piece.

Browse more Elbaite Tourmaline specimens (click here)

Additional information

Dimensions 21 × 39 × 24 cm