Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 07.19.2020 | Filed under:


Specimen # 100248
Mineral: Epidote
Location: Rosario Mabel Claim, Pampa Blanca, Castrovirreyna Province, Huancavelica Dept., Peru
Size: 3.9 x 2.0 x 1.2 cm



This is a completely distinctive miniature – this divergent group of epidote crystals from Pampa Blanca features three beautiful twins. The termination faces show the classic “chevron” twin pattern famous on the epidote twins from Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. The terminations are in excellent condition, as are most faces – there are a few minor rubs lower down on the piece if you look for them with a loupe, and there is chipping on the back. The fourth photo shows the back, Although this specimen appears a very dark green in person, there is nice internal play of colour if you are examining it under a good light. Great lustre. If you like epidotes, this is one sweet miniature.