Posted by: macadmin on 04.19.2020 | Filed under:


Specimen # 100666
Mineral: Gmelinite
Location: Five Islands, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia, Canada
Size: 15.2 x 5.1 x 1.7 cm
Specimen # 100666
Mineral: Gmelinite
Location: Five Islands, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia, Canada
Size: 15.2 x 5.1 x 1.7 cm


This is a pretty remarkable specimen for this species – it is a large plate of bipyramidal hexagonal crystals up to 1.4 cm. The gmelinite crystals are sharp and lustrous, with brilliant crystal growth patterns. The crystal plate itself is quite thin relative to its other dimensions, being comprised essentially of the bed of crystals that had rested on the matrix.

It is not clear whether the origin of any of these crystals involved chabazite. Typically the specimens known as gmelinite “pseudomorphs after chabazite” (which do come from this same locality) prominently exhibit the pseudo-rhombohedral original form of the chabazite. On this specimen, there are a couple of crystals that could either be large original gmelinites or they could also have originated in connection with chabazite. In any event, they are now bright, glassy light orange gmelinite crystals!

In excellent condition – no damage except one missing crystal at lower left, and some crystals around the periphery are not complete. There is a beautiful sharp, colourless, translucent analcime crystal at the top centre of the specimen.

This is a super cabinet specimen of a mineral that is not normally seen in attractive cabinet specimens.