Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:


Specimen # 100631
Mineral: Gmelinite
Location: Gmelinite, Analcime, Two Islands, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia, Canada
Size: 4.0 x 3.2 x 1.6 cm


Excellent cabnet specimen of bright, lustrous, glassy gmelinite crystals (up to 1 cm).  Gmelinite is not so common in larger display pieces and this one owes its elegance to the arrangement and colour combination on the green basalt matrix.  The isolation on the matrix like this is quite distinctive. Two sharp, colourless analcime crystals are perched among the gmelinites and there are a few small sharp heulandite crystals in association as well. The gmelinite crystals are very sharp, bypyramidal hexagonal, with the classic triangular patterns.  In excellent condition – you have to examine very closely to find a couple small missing crystals, and there are some incomplete crystals aroung the right periphery, not obvious as diplayed – otherwise, no damage. This is a super gmelinite!

If you are interested in the crystal morphololgy and twinning in Nova Scotia gmelinites (I love these!), click here. Some great crystal drawings on p.60.

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Additional information

Dimensions 90 × 68 × 52 cm