Grossular Garnet
Posted by: macadmin on 04.20.2020 | Filed under:

Grossular Garnet

Specimen # 102009
Mineral: Grossular Garnet
Location: Diabe Sira, Arrondissement Diako, Kayes Region, Mali
Size: 9.5 x 6.8 x 2.8 cm
Specimen # 102009
Mineral: Grossular Garnet
Location: Diabe Sira, Arrondissement Diako, Kayes Region, Mali
Size: 9.5 x 6.8 x 2.8 cm


Detailed Description

This is a good-sized plate of pale matrix sprinkled with sharp, grossular crystals. The grossulars are highly lustrous.

There are light-coloured needle-like inclusions, quite possibly of an amphibole group mineral, within these very dark brown grossular crystal (visible in the third photo). Minor prehnite and small epidote crystals also present. In excellent condition, no damage without searching (with magnification one can find a few nicks and a couple of missing crystals). Great contrast with the matrix and nice separation among the crystals.


About These Grossular Specimens

These were found in 2016 from a new Arrondissemant Diako locality, Diabe Sira. Unlike most garnets from the region, the specimens from this find are plates of crystals on matrix – they are very attractive.