Grossular Garnet
Posted by: macadmin on 04.20.2020 | Filed under:

Grossular Garnet

Specimen # 102010
Mineral: Grossular Garnet
Location: Diabe Sira, Arrondissement Diako, Kayes Region, Mali
Size: 8.1 x 6.5 x 2.7 cm
Specimen # 102010
Mineral: Grossular Garnet
Location: Diabe Sira, Arrondissement Diako, Kayes Region, Mali
Size: 8.1 x 6.5 x 2.7 cm


Detailed Description

These grossular crystals are clustered together with light balls of prehnite and a few small epidotes. The grossulars are very dark brown, sharp and lustrous.

There are light-coloured needle-like inclusions in the grossular crystals, quite possibly of an amphibole group mineral (visible in the third photo). In excellent condition, a couple of small missing epidotes and a few incomplete crystals at the periphery (with magnification one can find a few nicks). Great contrast with the prehnites – these are such sharp grossulars.


About These Grossular Specimens

These were found in 2016 from a new Arrondissemant Diako locality, Diabe Sira. Unlike most garnets from the region, the specimens from this find are plates of crystals on matrix – they are very attractive.