Grossular Garnet, var. Tsavorite
Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:

Grossular Garnet, var. Tsavorite

Specimen # 102185
Mineral: Grossular Garnet, var. Tsavorite
Location: Grossular Garnet, var. Tsavorite, Merelani Hills, Lelatima Mountains, Manyara, Tanzania
Size: 3.7 x 2.5 x 2.2 cm


This is a beautiful crystal of grossular, var, tsavorite, perched on quartz and graphite. The colour is wonderful, particularly under LED lighting. The crystal is 7mm and just jumps out under the lights. The crystal is sharp, lustrous and in excellent condition – an incomplete back corner, not visible from the display angle as I’d display it.

A brilliant green tsavorite!

Additional information

Dimensions 22 × 37 × 25 cm