Posted by: Maia Sinkins on 01.11.2021 | Filed under:


Specimen # 100068
Mineral: Hematite
Location: Coluna Mine, Miguel Burnier District, Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Size: 6.0 x 5.2 x 2.8 cm


This is a wonderful Ouro Preto hematite “iron rose”, fully terminated on both sides – a complete floater. I don’t know which side I like better! This specimen is in excellent condition (it has one incomplete crystal edge near the left on one side, only a couple of small nicks, and a crystallization feature on one lower side that could be simply a development feature or a contact – it’s visible from only one display side). The sharpness of this one is exceptional – no rounding as is so common with these. Similarly the lustre is bright and really stands it apart.  This is a gorgeous piece.