Hubnerite, Quartz, Fluorite
Posted by: Maia Sinkins on 08.04.2020 | Filed under:

Hubnerite, Quartz, Fluorite

Specimen # 100256
Mineral: Hubnerite, Quartz, Fluorite
Location: Mundo Nuevo Mine, Huamachuco, Sanchez Carrion Province, La Libertad Dept., Peru
Size: 11.4 x 9.6 x 6.2 cm


This cabinet specimen is a sparkling forest of bright, clear needle quartz crystals hosting hubnerite crystals. The specimen is a complete floater and the underside (as I would display it) is actually home to aggregates of fluorite crystals (octahedral, with cube face modifications). The quartz crystals are beautiful – I can find two chips out of quatrz crystals on the piece and none broken – remarkable for a specimen like this, just amazing quality. The hubnerites are perfect. The larger hubnerite is 1.3 cm. The smaller hubnerite is an intergrown pair of crystals which have grown around a quartz. There is an interesting pair of small quartz crystals on the left hand side of the piece that are coated in iron oxide – a curiosity that they are isolated like this, but a neat little accent on the piece.


The fluorite crystals under the quartz are parallel grown groups – the largest group is 6 cm across. The fluorite crystals are almost colourless, but have a tinge of green – they too are undamaged. However, absent suspending this piece in mid-air, you do have to choose a display angle, and the quartz-hubnerite side wins!


This is an excellent display piece.


Additional information

Dimensions 74 × 65 × 38 cm