Microcline, var. Amazonite
Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:

Microcline, var. Amazonite

Specimen # 102333
Mineral: Microcline, var. Amazonite
Location: Microcline, var. Amazonite, Smoky Hawk Claim, Crystal Peak Area, Teller Co., Colorado, USA
Size: 4.5 x 3.0 x 2.8 cm


An intensely-coloured amazonite, this was collected from the Silent Valor Pocket (in fact, during the filming of Prospectors, 2015). This pocket produced crystals of superb colour. This crystal has sharp and well-developed faces – it also has some faces that are less developed, around the left side. It looks like at one time it had grown against another crystal, but the under-developed faces do have a crystallization texture on them, so this is not damage, it happened sometime late in the crystal’s formation. One such area, in the first and second photo,s is where the upper left section of the prism faces looks lighter in colour and slightly angled. In excellent condition, an incomplete crystal at lower right, around the side toward tha back as displayed in the first photo. A hansome specimen with top colour at a great price.