Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:


Specimen # 100778
Mineral: Mimetite
Location: Mimetite, Chah Milleh Mine, Anarak District, Esfahan Province, Iran
Size: 2.8 x 2.3 x 1.8 cm


Detailed Description

This is a sweet thumnbnail-sized specimen featuring orange mimetite with dark matrix. Most of the mimetite on this specimen is in balls, which have a velvety lustre and sparkle under magnification. In spots, some of the mimetite with a hue closer to yellow, low on the piece and hidden in crevices, have some composie ehxagonal outline to them, visible with magnification. In excellent condition – minor rubs visible with magnification and one contact with a couple of incomplete balls on the left (I’ve rotated and tilted it to over-emphasize it in the third photo). Very nice piece featuring colour and contrast.

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About these Specimens

Although Iran has long been known to be a source of spectacular mineral specimens, it has never been easy to procure them. A window opened for a while, and these specimens came out in 2012, from contemporary finds at that time. (They made their debut in Ste Marie in 2013.) Sanctions in various jurisdictions around the world since then have restricted specimen buying, but hopefully this will change so that we’ll be able to see more interesting things from Iran again.

Additional information

Dimensions 28 × 23 × 18 cm