Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 08.04.2020 | Filed under:


Specimen # 102559
Mineral: Prehnite
Location: Taza, Fès-Meknès, Morocco
Size: 9.3 x 4.7 x 4.1 cm


This is a superb piece, with a ball on the left-hand side and a beautiful main upright fan on the right. The prehnite crystals are sharp, with bright lustre and nice light green colour. There are a few small quartz crystals in association. In excellent condition, no damage. Stands perfectly for display as photographed. A great prehnite!

Please note: these prehnite photographs are colour-balanced to daylight (sunny day, shade – same as all photos on the website). The hue of prehnite certainly depending on the light source – under a warmer light (for example, a 50W halogen bulb), they are a warmer shade of light green.