Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 08.04.2020 | Filed under:


Specimen # 102565
Mineral: Prehnite
Location: Taza, Fès-Meknès, Morocco
Size: 12.9 x 8.8 x 4.2 cm


This cabinet specimen features two main groups of radiating prehnite crystals, along with small prehnite crystal fans and lustrous quartz crystals. The prehnite crystals are light green to yellow, with distinct terminations – they are sharp with good lustre. The quartz crystals are flat-lying aggregates, with a sub-parallel growth a little reminiscent of the Brazilian amethyst flowers. In excellent condition. The main prehnite crystal groups have been stabilized from behind to preserve the piece (not at all visible as displayed, visible on close examination of the back of the specimen).Looks great supported to stand as in either the first or second photos. A beautiful combination of these two minerals.

Please note: these prehnite photographs are colour-balanced to daylight (sunny day, shade – same as all photos on the website). The hue of prehnite certainly depending on the light source – under a warmer light (for example, a 50W halogen bulb), they are a warmer shade of light green.