Prehnite, Mesolite
Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:

Prehnite, Mesolite

Specimen # 101349
Mineral: Prehnite, Mesolite
Location: Prehnite, Mesolite, Merelani Hills, Lelatima Mountains, Manyara, Tanzania
Size: 4.3 x 4.0 x 3.3 cm


This beautiful specimen features green prehnite crystals in balls up to 1.4 cm. Minor spakline graphite is in association, some as inclusions within the prehnite. The prehnite crystals are sharp, lustrous and distinct, with a nice mid-green colour. Accompanying the prehnite are small nests of radiating mesolite crystals, on and around associated calcite. In excellent condition – no damage to the prehnite from any of the best viewing angles. In fact, if not for a small missing spot of prehnite at the back, this specimen would be great from 360 degrees. Great contrast – this is a very attractive prehnite.

Additional information

Dimensions 43 × 40 × 33 cm