Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 04.12.2024 | Filed under:


Specimen # 103102
Mineral: Pyrite
Location: Ambasaguas 1 Mine, Ambas Aguas, Muro de Aguas, La Rioja, Spain
Size: 5.4 x 4.8 x 4.3 cm


A cluster of sharp pyritohedral crystals of pyrite – from underneath, one can see that these interlocking crystals seem to have grown on a larger underlying one. In excellent condition overall – in 360 degree rotation, one can see two missing crystals and two chips – it is easily displayed in more than orientation without these bing distracting and my favourite orientation is as photographed.

This specimen was collected in 1994 at Ambas Aguas, Spain’s second classic pyrite locality (which is in the same region as, but north of, Navajún.) Ambas Aguas is most famous for sharp pyritohedra (it produces cubes as well), and this is a fine cluster of them!

This piece is from the Tracy Kimmel Collection, acquired from Jordi Fabre (whose label accompanies the specimen).

About Tracy Kimmel (click here)

Additional information

Dimensions 65 × 50 × 41 cm