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Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 06.25.2021 | Filed under:


Specimen # 201060
Mineral: Quartz
Location: Itamirandiba, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Size: 12.0 x 11.2 x 6.2 cm


A large doubly-terminated smoky quartz from Brazil, with zones of beautiful internal salmon colour. This crystal had skeletal phases of growth, some of which are at the crystal’s surface, but some of which are trapped under full, complete faces. The internal colour is associated with inclusions (a clay mineral, muscovite  and hematite) from this earlier skeletal growth period. Looking at it through the quartz is a bit like gazing into an aquarium.

This crystal is in excellent condition, a couple of small chips (I note that the small notch on the one edge is a crystallization feature, not damage). The crystal is crystallized all the way around, although grew up against something on the back side, so it isn’t an equant floater per se. From the John S. White quartz collection, this specimen stands out of the display case from across the room – the colour is really nice under the halogen lights.