Quartz, Chlorite Inclusions
Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 10.08.2024 | Filed under:

Quartz, Chlorite Inclusions

Specimen # 103182
Mineral: Quartz, Chlorite Inclusions
Location: Presidente Kubitscheck, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Size: 5.7 x 3.2 x 2.6 cm
Price: $75.00 CAD


1 in stock


A sharp quartz crystal with a series of 3-D chlorite phantoms inside. From the front (display face), one sees one predominant dark green phantom, with hints of fainter ones as well. However, since the phantoms are so three-dimensional, the predominant phantom blocks the internal series except from the side, where one clearly see the series of phantoms. No faces have been polished (as is often done to assist with the viewing of internal phantoms) – this is all natural. In excellent condition. A great dark green chlorite phantom quartz!

Please Note: the colour representation in the still photographs has been carefully calibrated and adjusted to show an accurate rendition of this specimen in daylight (shade). The colours in the video are not similarly adjusted.