Quartz (“Hematite Nail” Inclusions), Epidote
Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 06.02.2021 | Filed under:

Quartz (“Hematite Nail” Inclusions), Epidote

Specimen # 201042
Mineral: Quartz (inclusions), Epidote
Location: Hongquizhen Quarry, Meigu Co., Liangshan Yi, Sichuan, China
Size: 7.9 x 5.5 x 2.5 cm


This specimen hosts hematite inclusions – some appear to be spheres or disks, and a few are amazing “hematite nails”. The quartz has red hematite tinges and the piece overall is an attractive cabinet specimen aside from the inclusions. There are a few epidote inclusions as well, and groups of lustrous epidote crystals perched on the quartz crystals. The inclusions have been analyzed, and they were photographed by John Koivula. This is a figured specimen, published in Lapidary Journal, v. 59 Jan. 2006, p. 30. In excellent condition. The hematite nails are some of the coolest inclusions in the John S. White quartz collection.