Quartz, Siderite
Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 10.10.2023 | Filed under:

Quartz, Siderite

Specimen # 102834
Mineral: Quartz, Siderite PS Calcite
Location: 8th Level, San Antonio Mine, Santa Eulalia Mining District, Chihuahua, Mexico
Size: 7.8 x 2.6 x 2.4 cm


A group of sharp, lustrous slightly divergent quartz crystals with a blanket of siderite crystals on one side (and a few small ones all over). The siderite crystals are in fact pseudomorphs after calcite. This specimen is from the John S. White collection (#23-2-12) – he acquired it from Peter Megaw. An aesthetic and classy piece!

About John S. White



Additional information

Dimensions 15 × 10 × 8 cm