Quartz, var. Amethyst, after Calcite
Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 05.31.2022 | Filed under:

Quartz, var. Amethyst, after Calcite

Specimen # 200576
Mineral: Quartz, var. Amethyst, after Calcite
Location: Artigas, Uruguay
Size: 5.8 x 5.7 x 4.8 cm


This little mountain peak of beautiful amethyst crystals formed over a sharp calcite crystal. The calcite is no longer present, so this specimen is completely hollow – inside the hollow (shown in the fourth photo), one can easily see the well-defined forms of the calcite crystal, where it used to be. The amethyst crystals are glassy and a great purple colour. In very good condition, minor chips and one incomplete terminations. A really nice specimen from the Steve Szilard collection.