Serandite, Epididymite
Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:

Serandite, Epididymite

Specimen # 101360
Mineral: Serandite, Epididymite
Location: Serandite, Epididymite, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
Size: 7.3 x 4.2 x 2.8 cm


This is a great specimen – it is comprised of a group of delicate light pink-orange crystals of serandite. The serandite crystals are sharp and lustrous, and they are completely terminated. However, what is most interesting about this piece is that the serandite crystals exhibit significant hollowing, and inside the hollows across the top of the piece are sharp, blocky, glassy, micro crystals of epididymite. This specimen also hosts a polylithionite rosette in the front, a small (2mm) leucophanite crystal around the right-hand side, and micro rhodochrosite and albit crystals at the right-hand periphery. in excellent condition – no damage. A totally distinctive Mont Saint-Hilaire serandite.

Additional information

Dimensions 73 × 42 × 28 cm