Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:


Specimen # 101352
Mineral: Serandite
Location: Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
Size: 3.4 x 2.9 x 2.6 cm


Detailed Description

This specimen features a beautiful, vibrantly coloured serandite crystal, accompanied by serandite crystals that are almost perpendicular. The main crystal shows colour zoning with a deeper-coloured core, and it also has a few small sparkling serandite crystals perched on its faces. All of the serandites are sharp and lustrous, with fine striations. In excellent condition, with one small nick in the back left corner of the main crystal – this is not seen as displayed, because the optimal “front” is the opposite side, where the colour is stronger and has visual impact.

There are a few other minerals in association – all are small/micro: glassy clear/white albite crystals, dark green-to-black needles of aegirine, (some as inclusions in the front of the more horizontal serandite), sharp deep red-brown crystals of manganoneptunite up to 2 mm, and small crystals that are sphalerite pseudomorphs after willemite.

This is a beautiful, top-calibre serandite.

About These Serandite Specimens

This serandite is from the large 1988 pocket, one of the greatest mineral finds ever made at Mont Saint-Hilaire. This pocket was approximately three metres across, and yielded excellent serandite crystals of distinctive intense salmon pink-orange hue. The pocket also contained balls and aggregates of leifite crystals. The serandite crystals from this pocket are considered among the finest from Mont Saint-Hilaire.

Additional information

Dimensions 34 × 29 × 26 cm