Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:


Specimen # 101954
Mineral: Smithsonite
Location: Smithsonite, Kelly Mine, Magdalena, Socorro Co., New Mexico, US
Size: 10.6 x 8.1 x 2.6 cm


This is a very fine cabinet specimen of Kelly Mine smithsonite. It is covered with botryoidal crystal aggregates, baby blue in colour. The smithsonite has a nice bright silky, velvety lustre, as the packed crystal faces reflect the light.  In excellent condition overall, imperfect at the perimeter – it has incomplete sections (at the sides). The smithsonite plate is crystallized on both sides – the first six photos are in sequence rotated 360 degrees, beginning with the display orientation I like best. The seventh is a close-up of the front (as depicted in the first and sixth photos).

A beautiful display piece.

Additional information

Dimensions 26 × 106 × 81 cm