Spessartine Garnet
Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:

Spessartine Garnet

Specimen # 102095
Mineral: Spessartine Garnet
Location: Spessartine Garnet, Navegadora Mine, Penha do Norte, Conselheiro Pena, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Size: 2.6 x 2.0 x 1.5 cm


Detailed Description

A beautiful, transparent deep red spessartine. This crystal clearly exhibits sharp dodecahedral crystal forms, and is wonderfully gemmy. In excellent condition, if you search with manification, you can find tuny chippping. This is a very sweet Navegadora spessartine.

A word about the photographs and appearance of this specimen. This Navegadora spessartine can look different in different lighting conditions. The photographs here are meant to convey the lustre, the incredible detail, the superb internal colour when well lit from behind, and also the dark appearance in lower light conditions. When looking at this specimen under modest light, it is dark red, with glints of transparent red (as shown in the third photo). Under display lights, the lustre is superb. Examined with strong light from behind, this crystal is intense red throughout – the last photo is of the backside.

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About these Spessartines

These spessartines are from the famous March 2003 pocket at the Navegadora Mine. The Navegadora Mine exploits a pegmatite and produces feldspar for commercial purposes – It is not mined for specimens, and this pocket was unique. In an article in Rocks and Minerals (“Spessartine from the Navegadora Mine, Minas Gerais, Brazil” Vol. 84, Jan-Feb 2009) author John White discusses how these spessrtines formed. While etching was involved, the specific mechanism that resulted in the final forms of these etched crystals remains a mystery.

Additional information

Dimensions 15 × 26 × 20 cm