Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:


Specimen # 103000
Mineral: Spodumene
Location: Spodumene, Paprok, Kamdesh District, Nuristan Province, Afghanistan
Size: 7.4 x 2.3 x 0.8 cm


Detailed Description

A sharp spodumene crystal, with a highly lustrous termination. One prism face (left hand side, in the first photo) is also particularly lustrous, like bright glass. The colour grades from light pink/lilac at the bottom to a pale greenish at the termination (see below). In excellent condition, no damage – the imperfections are natural. This is a great spodumene crystal.

Important Note About Colour Stability: The light green colour in these spodumene crystals fades to colourless upon exposure to daylight. If exposed in direct sun, this will happen relatively quickly. If exposed to indirect daylight indoors, such as in a display cabinet, the green will fade over a longer period of time. If you are planning to keep this specimen fully protected from daylight, the green may be preserved, although it’s anyone’s guess – over a period of months, I have seen no degradation to specimens kept in drawers (with no daylight exposure). If you are planning to have it out in a cabinet, it should be considered a colour-zoned kunzite, from pink to colourless. In general, like many other minerals, the colour in all spodumene is best preserved if it is protected from light.

Browse more Spodumene crystals from Afghanistan

About These Spodumene Crystals

These spodumene crystals are from a 2017 pocket that produced colour-zoned (lilac/pink – pale green – colourless) crystals, along with some specimens that were purely lilac/pink and some that had no such hues at all. Although spodumene crystals are often etched or poorly defined, this pocket included sharp well-formed crystals and relatively low incidence of etching/dissolution features.

Additional information

Dimensions 8 × 74 × 23 cm