Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 11.23.2022 | Filed under:


Specimen # 201171
Mineral: Stellerite
Location: Dyer Quarry, Birdsboro, Berks Co., Pennsylvania, USA
Size: 5.3 x 4.8 x 1.9 cm


Balls of beautiful stellerite crystals from the Dyer Quarry. These are translucent with nice lustre, and in excellent condition with a couple of small nicks – other small white spots on this specimen are laumontite, not damage. Collected by Skip Colflesh and Scott Snavely in August, 2014. One commonly sees specimens of “stellerite” offered for sale that are in fact stilbite, but Dyer Quarry specimens have been tested and confirmed by Lance Kearns to be stellerite. From the John S. White Pennsylvania Collection, this is a very fine specimen.