Stilbite, Epidote
Posted by: macadmin on 04.23.2020 | Filed under:

Stilbite, Epidote

Specimen # 100495
Mineral: Stilbite, Epidote
Location: Diamonkara, Bendougou, Kayes Region, Mali
Size: 8.0 x 6.1 x 6.0 cm


This is such a great specimen for both the stilbite ball and the associations – many epidote crystals and a few small prehnite balls. The main stilbite ball is 4.4 cm across – it is a nice yellow and good lustre. The main ball is in excellent condition, and the smaller radiating cluster around the back is too. A bit of contacting with minor stilbites and some incomplete epidotes, partly due to some arrested epidote crystal growth. The prehnite balls are greyish green and are intergrown with epidotes.  A super cabinet specimen!