Stilbite, Epidote
Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:

Stilbite, Epidote

Specimen # 100494
Mineral: Stilbite, Epidote
Location: Stilbite, Epidote, Diamonkara, Bendougou, Kayes Region, Mali
Size: 7.5 x 7.4 x 6.0 cm


This is the best of the lot  – a gorgeous 6.0 cm ball comprised entirely of rich yellow stilbite crystals, adorned with terminated epidote crystals, and perched up against a matrix hosting more epidote crystals. The stilbite is in exceptional condition. There are a few small white spots on the stilbite ball – with magnification you can see that they are actually small remnant patches of another mineral (I suspect laumontite) which was almost entirely successfully removed. The stilbite is lustrous, particularly at the terminations comprising the ball. A couple minor epidotes are incomplete.  Wonderful, very different and distinctive specimen!


Additional information

Dimensions 75 × 74 × 60 cm