Stilbite, Prehnite, Epidote
Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:

Stilbite, Prehnite, Epidote

Specimen # 100501
Mineral: Stilbite, Prehnite, Epidote
Location: Stilbite, Prehnite, Epidote, Diamonkara, Bendougou, Kayes Region, Mali
Size: 6.7 x 5.1 x 4.2 cm


This specimen featutes a yellow stilbite ball (4.8 cm tall) with a pale green prehnite ball 1.2 cm and small epidote crystals. The stilbite has some colour variation, with darker yellow hue down the middle of the ball and paler yellow and even greenish, around the side and back. Some of the epidotes have globular chalcedony coatings – they look pretty cool with a bit of magnification. In very good condition overall for these – displayed vertically, there is no distracting damage (although some of the small epidotes are incomplete), and if you prefer to display it horizontally there is one patch of damage on the stilbite ball that can largely rotated out of view to the left (displayed vertically, it faces downwards and is not noticed). Really nice combination piece featuring the three minerals together!


Additional information

Dimensions 67 × 51 × 42 cm